Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eat Skull - Wild and Inside

Judging from the brief time I have spent with Wild and Inside, it's pretty clear that the album is the next logical step for the band. Both noisy in volume and punk in spirit, it's hardly the noise-punk statement that last Summer's Sick to Death was. Good luck slapping a label on an album with such staggering attention deficit disorder and deliberately aimless first-take recordings. But that's sort of the point with Eat Skull, right? They're less interested (too bored?) in focusing on any one direction, instead each song is a shapeless endeavor, taking form just as often as it crumbles apart.

The finest moments of Wild are quite spectacular; opening with the playful anthem "Stick To The Formula," which is capped by short blasts of carnival organs and a bouncy chorus that begs for some live show call-and-response. The drowsy spoken/sung "Talkin' Bro In The Wall Blues" is downright epic for an Eat Skull song (3:18, that's a lifetime!), and—please take this in the best possible way—sounds like a Doors' outtake. It's a great song—and I fucking hate the Doors—that shines some light on the band's tempered growth. And the finest moment of the album? That comes courtesy of the hazy "Cooking a Way to be Happy," which binds faux '60s psychedelia with, um, breakfast. Sure, why not?

-Ezra Caraeff

I had no idea that this was coming out - and then it leaked! I can imgaine myself listening to this while enjoying cool drinks yachtside this summer. Breezy summer punk for the breezies.



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